Premier Elite

Experience the Premier Elite Standard

About Premier Elite

Helping Nurse Case Managers and Clinical Social Workers Enjoy Success

Earn more as a Nurse Case Manager or Clinical Social Worker in a flexible role that meets your preferred work-life balance requirements.

We carefully curate new roles that allow you to enjoy the benefits of better collaboration at the workplace and reduce your odds of experiencing burnout.

Get in front of the line by submitting your resume to become a part of our in-demand case management talent pool. This will offer you a first look at these better roles before we post them to our job board. Look at the jobs we already posted too; the right position for you might already be on our job board.
Medical Services

Get Manageable Workloads and Improve Your Earnings

You can earn more while working better hours in healthcare facilities where you’ll feel proud to contribute your skills. All you have to do is reach out for one of the following placement solutions.


Enjoy a temporary arrangement with an employer requiring your skills while we negotiate and ensure you get the best pay and perks possible.

Direct Hire

Ensure a smooth transition into a new full-time role where you only have to think about providing the best of your services while we set you up with the best possible salary, perks and benefits.

Contract to Hire

See if an employer is the right fit for you before you commit full-time. You can always come back to us for another placement if you desire.

Join us

Become one of many Premier Elite Healthcare Staff

Become one of many Premier Elite Healthcare Staffing Nurse Case Managers or Clinical Social Workers switching into better-paying and highly flexible roles by looking through our job board to see what is on offer.

Submit your resume to become a member of our exclusive talent pool where you get first look at roles that are a fit for your skills before they get posted to the job board.

Medical Advices & Check Ups

Trusted Medical Treatment

Emergency Help Available 24/7

Medical Research Professionals

How We Work

We Offer Elite Case Management Staffing Solutions to Skilled Nursing Facilities, Hospitals and Dialysis Centers

Improve the level of healthcare and related services in your facilities with our versatile Nurse Case Manager and Clinical Social Worker staffing solutions.

Browse through the different solutions we offer on our Employers page. Simply request what you need from us or speak with a Premier Elite recruitment expert to get started today.